Friday, January 4, 2008

HAPPY 2008

Here we are, 4 whole days into the new year, and I didn't wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope 2008 is a year of new beginnings and positive changes.

I have decided to dispense with the New Year's Resolutions of 1. Lose 60 pounds and 2. Organize my house and keep it cleaner. These resolutions, I've realized, say to me "Maybe this year I can be good enough." So this year, I say, "I am a worthwhile person and I deserve to treat myself nicely." (I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!) So.....


  1. Knit a little every day
  2. Allow myself to go to the gym 2-3x each week.
  3. Keep the laundry caught up better because my family is worth that effort, and as the FlyLady says... "Nothing says I LoveYou like Clean Underwear!"
  4. Cook more healthy food at home, hopefully using the "Saving Dinner" Heart-healthy menu.

My goal is that with #2 and #4, some weight loss might happen. And with #3, perhaps minus a layer of dirty clothes on the floors of 3 bedrooms and a laundry room, and with drawers full of clean folded clothes, the house will look cleaner and I'll have more time to spend on other home projects.

So, there! My Resolutions are out in cyberspace for the entire English-speaking world to read if they want, so I have to stick to them, right?

On another note, I have logged my shockingly large yarn stash on Ravelry, and I have over 15 miles of yarn in my house! The new rule is I have to complete 2 projects using existing yarn before I am allowed to buy new yarn. (This also in true Flylady style...if I bring something in, I must fling something else.) I'm trying to decide if my new rule needs to include a clause involoving some sort of Extra Credit for finishing a project using more than 4 skeins of yarn. The great thing about this rule is that I made it up, so I get to change it at will.

On my needles right now:
  • A Clapotis for the Second Wave Knitalong (Mmmmmmmalabrigo)
  • A pair of Monkey Socks (Lonesome Stone Mountain Feat...beautiful!)
  • A Multi-directional Scarf (Silk Garden)
  • A Quant (Matching Silk Garden)
Thanks for reading, if you stuck with me this far. I promise at least one FO and some pictures of something next week.

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