Monday, May 21, 2007

No Day but Today --to knit a little hat

We've had a big week around here. First of all, it appears that my family and I will be relocating from the Southwest to the Southeast, possible as soon as a month from now! DH got a great job offer for a job several states away, and there is not good reason not to take it. But that means selling our house, which I've never done before, and that nearly sends me right over the edge. So, standby for updates....

This weekend, we got an actual babysitter, and went to a great restaurant for grown-up food and wine. (Grown up food would be anything served in a place that doesn't give out plastic cartoon cups with lids, doesn't offer crayons and placemats to color, and doesn't serve a chicken nugget meal of any kind.) Then we went and saw the play Rent! live at our local University theater. It was great! I even had a little philosophical moment--I've been so afraid of change lately, and so stressed about moving, saying "what if, what if, what if..." And then during the play the lyrics really spoke to me:

"There's only us, there's only this! Forget regret! or Life is yours to Miss!...
No other Road, No other Way!
No Day but Today!..."

And I thought, I could be missing something great if I don't take a leap of faith and move. So, there, deep thoughts, by Christy.

And now, on to the KNITTING... I made a baby hat, and it is very cute.

Yarn: Laines du Nord "Baby Cover". I love this yarn. It is soft and squishy, and comes in some nice colorways for babies, not just your basic pastels. Pattern: Cabled Baby Hats

This was a fast knit, it only took me about 3 1/2 hours of total knitting time. Basically, one movie and an hour or so of the "Today" show. I could not find a baby doll that it would fit, so there is my Yankee Candle, modeling it for me.

1 comment:

amylin said...

Love Rent. So many good songs and so many great lyrics.