Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

For historical purposes, I must post that this was one of the greatest Mother's Days for me. Due to staffing shortages, I had to work a 12-hour shift today, which made me kind of bummed, and frankly, I had a bit of an attitude about it this morning. But today I learned that nothing can take away the blessings of having kids, not even a long day at the hospital.

DH and the kiddos brought me lunch from Cracker Barrel (yummy fried chicken!) and some wonderful cards that they made for me in Church this morning. Also, some little foam crowns that they decorated. It was wonderful to have visitors AND lunch. Often, an actual lunch break from work is a fantasy for us, so to sit and eat in a leisurely fashion really did make me feel loved and important.

The youngest gave me her handprint in plaster, which she had layered so many colors of tempra paint onto that it is now sort of a grey-green color. My son and his class made some scrapbooks, complete with decorated theme pages for me to add my own photos to, and a hand-stamped cover. The oldest one made me a wonderful card in her class. It made me smile all day to see how much work they had put into those gifts. And lastly, when I arrived home, DH and the kiddos presented me with a necklace and earrings from my favorite jewelry store...Ooh Aah! Jewelry

The bestest gift of all, though, is that these children are in my life for me to love, and that no matter how insufficient I feel at times, they love me anyway.

1 comment:

◈lunaluna◈ said...

Your blog is very interesting.
Please, send me the photos of your pc tables.
We'll publish them all!