Sunday, January 11, 2009

HIV Carelink "Love Unleashed" Workshop

Yesterday, I attended the Love Unleashed workshop given by HIV Carelink. It was a very informative and thought-provoking day. This workshop is an in-depth training session to prepare us to volunteer with people affected by HIV/AIDS. I was given much new information, and heard the personal experiences of a man currently living with HIV. It is shocking to me the scope of this illness in our country, and even more shocking that it has "fallen off the radar" of the media and the minds of Americans.

I was convicted by the lack of action and compassion on the part of mainstream Christianity as a whole towards people affected by HIV and AIDS, and I am now searching and praying for exactly what my role will be in serving this population and increasing awareness. I have several ideas which I am exploring, so stand by for details. I am looking forward to seeing what God has for me to do for HIV Carelink.

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