Monday, December 10, 2007

Completely (and possibly inappropriately...) Random Thoughts

First of all, I am disturbed and disheartened by the shootings in the Denver area this weekend. A gunman went first to a youth training center for Christian missionaries and killed two people and injured two, then went on to a church in Colorado Springs and killed some more people, notably two teenaged girls from the same family. That is unfathomable to me...losing your children in a violent incident after church on Sunday!? The other side of the coin is equally terrible...being called and informed that your own young son has killed 4 people and has been shot himself. I feel terrible for everyone involved. And this on the heels of the mall shooting in Omaha. I keep wondering if the attack here was encouraged by the coverage of the Omaha shootings. It's just senseless and it shakes my feeling of security.

Secondly, and totally unrelated... after trying to park a Dodge Grand Caravan at a crowded mall parking lot today, I want to know whose big idea it was to call it a MINI Van? I had to try three spots before I could find one that would allow me to open the door enough to get out. How about a MINI Bus, or a BIG FAT Station Wagon? My next car will be a mini-cooper, I swear.

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